Scrum: The Essential of Agile Project Management

Scrum: The Essential of Agile Project Management

The rapidly shifting technological landscape and its adaptations characterize our age. More than ever, companies and organizations are pursuing more efficient ways to manage tasks, create products, and deliver services. Among several methodologies used today, the Scrum approach stands out. But to fully appreciate its innate specifics and importance, let us take a journey back… and Glowbl: an immersive collaborative experience and Glowbl: an immersive collaborative experience and Glowbl have teamed up to provide a fully immersive collaborative virtual experience. What is Glowbl? Glowbl is a unique video conferencing solution that enables multiple workshops to take place simultaneously in a collaborative space. The space comprises nine tables where participants can interact, share screens, present documents, and collaborate on the same platform….

How to run an online Planning Poker session on

How to run an online Planning Poker session on

What is Planning Poker? Planning Poker (or Scrum Poker) is a method for estimating the workload associated with implementing a User Story or an Epic. This method is generally used during Backlog Refinement (or Backlog Grooming) sessions in preparation for the Sprint Planning session to size the backlog items and possibly refine the User Stories,…

How to run a retrospective ceremony in Scrum?

How to run a retrospective ceremony in Scrum?

This article presents the origin of the idea of retrospectives, how to run a retrospective ceremony in Scrum, particularly remotely, and what animation features you can use to stimulate participants’ creativity and objectify the decision-making process. Origin and Rationale of the Retrospective The idea of retrospectives originates from the principle of continuous improvement, a…

How to use as a powerful brainstorming tool?

How to use as a powerful brainstorming tool?

Brainstorming is a creative and collective problem-solving technique that aims to generate, in a limited time, a large number of ideas around a given problem. This article will show you how to use as a powerful brainstorming tool. What is brainstorming? A brainstorming workshop is generally structured in two distinct phases: a so-called divergence…

How to build your digital visual management on

How to build your digital visual management on

Visual management is a method that makes it possible to visualize work processes, collaborate more effectively and monitor the performance of the processes concerned more easily. In this article, we will first explain to you how digitizing your visual management helps to improve the productivity of your processes and facilitate collaboration within your teams and,…